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Cloud Cost Optimisation Assessment 

Optimise Your AWS Cloud Costs with Daemon

What is a Cloud Cost Optimisation Assessment? 


Daemon’s AWS Cost Optimisation service helps businesses maximise cloud value by reducing cost inefficiencies and enhancing financial management practices.


Starting with a quick cost optimisation assessment, we deliver actionable insights and collaborate to implement cost-saving strategies.


Our approach focuses on achieving immediate savings while building long-term cost awareness and sustainable financial practices.

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The Daemon Difference

Automated Pre-Discovery

Deploy our template across single or multiple AWS accounts, enabling enterprise-wide cross-account scanning with no vendor approval delays—a capability very few partners provide.

Accelerated Insights

Our proprietary and open-source tools deliver faster, deeper insights into your Cloud spending.

Time-Saving Process

Shrink the review timeline to a short workshop, with minimal disruption to your operations.

Business Impact

Receive a tailored Cost Optimisation Report highlighting how cost optimisations improve your bottom line over the short, medium and long term.

The Process 

Pre-Discovery Analysis

  • Automated scans of workload configurations using Daemon Cost Optimisation 
  • Implementation of granular dashboards
  • Data-driven insights delivered before the review session

Review Session

  • Collaborative review with a focus on cost pillars
  • We handle the heavy lifting to keep your stakeholders minimally involved

Actionable Recommendations 

  • Clear, prioritised recommendations with high, medium, and low cost savings

Key Benefits

Cut Costs

Eliminate inefficiencies and reduce spend

Quick Cost Savings

With a longer-term prioritised list of cost recommendations to build into your FinOps plan

Whats Next? 


After your review, receive a detailed report with actionable recommendations to optimise your spend. 


Is your cloud infrastructure ready for ‘peak bloat’ season?

It’s an exciting time of year. Black Friday, Thanksgiving, Amazon Prime Day and Christmas (and the January sales) are a high-traffic golden period of sales for retailers. With the surge in demand comes a massive test of business systems. 

We spoke to Daemon’s own Cloud Principals, Marc Peiser and Harry Azariah, about what ‘bloat’ means at this time of year and how to avoid unnecessary stress on your business.

Read more on our blog

Saving £1m on Cloud Compute via cost optimisation

As a household brand and a High Street staple, this customer is a leader in its retail space.

Growing significantly over the last few years with the trend of healthier living driving its new-found popularity.

If growth wasn’t placing enough stress on ageing IT systems, aggressive business goals rendered the IT solutions in situ no longer fit for purpose.

Read more on our blog

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